Goating: When Archaeologists Climb Stuff

July 8, 2015

Two weekends ago four friends and I rented a car and drove around Sicily. I was wonderful. We went to Agrigento, Selinunte, and the Scala dei Turchi and sufficiently wore ourselves out. In all of our excursions this weekend we realized that it always seems to be that we had the most fun when we were climbing all over stuff. At Selinunte you can climb all over the ruins of the many temples there (although I'm sure that technically you're not supposed to, but - eh, it Sicily - everyone does what they want). We used our best mountain goat skills to cover every inch of the ruins and ascend as many high points as we could. The same was true for the Scala dei Turchi - we climbed all over those steps (see next post) and had a blast trying not to tumble off the side of the cliff.  So all anyone ever needs to do to make an archaeologist happy is present him or her with the opportunity to scale something semi-dangerous. That and a good cone of gelato and we are happy excavators. 


Hanging Garbage


L’Aqua non Funziona