Hanging Garbage

June 23, 2015

In Sicily there are two main types of garbage: wet and dry. Wet is more of the food remnant/compost variety, and dry is generally paper products, plastic, etc. There are different days to pick up each garbage variety, as well. While the garbage divisions are interesting, the way the garbage is put out for the garbage man to pick up is incredibly entertaining. Most often it is hung from hooks, old pipes, or door handles on the front of homes, however, The methods vary from house to house. My favorite is the garbage bags hanging from bungee cords attached to ropes from the second story.  This way you never need to leave your home to put out the trash - just hang it from the balcony! It makes perfect sense, but it still cracks me up.  Apparently this is also how bread and some groceries are delivered, but I have yet to witness this. Guess you wouldn't want to mix up those things!  Only in Sicily... 


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