The Return of Indy-Andy
June 10, 2014
The day has finally arrived! I'm at MCI (the Kansas City airport) and waiting to board my flight to GREECE! After submitting my MA thesis yesterday, I hurriedly packed the remnants of my stuff (moved out of my apartment at the end of May and have been crashing with the best hosts in the whole world, so I've had limited access to my few remaining - non-storage unit - goods in the last week). It's been such a crazy last month that I haven't really even had time to get excited about Greece, which makes me sad, but it's strictly a testament to how busy I've been.
But today another summer of adventures begins. I will travel to Greece to rejoin the excavation I participated in last year and am looking forward to seeing a lot of familiar faces, meeting new friends, digging, eating, traveling, and putting on loads of sunscreen... well, maybe not the last part, but it's a necessary evil. I will be meeting my friend in Athens for a few glorious days there before we depart for our excavation. I can't wait to be covered in dirt again. I realize how strange that statement is, but it's true.
I hope you will all join me in spirit from afar as my summer adventures begin! This is the return of Indi-Andy the archaeologist! Time to get on that plane...